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Residency at ALLI

October 2022

Three weeks ago I began my journey as a resident artist at the incredible Art League of long Island. As a part of this residency I am taking two courses. My intent is to take classes in subjects that I am unfamiliar with. I chose Hand Building, a ceramics class and Life Drawing Short Pose which is a figure study class that has poses that are no more than 20 minutes. I haven’t done figure drawing for more than 40 years.

In ceramics my first assignment was to create a simple coil bowl. The first week I struggled with making a coil My coils were irregular and flat, By the second week i was able to produce much more structurally correct coils.I assembled the coils into a bow over a plaster mold. Now in the third week I have begun a coffee cup using a slab of clay. I was able to build the main form of the cup. Next session i will add the handle.

In figure drawing class I am working with charcoal on white bond paper. My hand and eyes see in the form of contour line. I plan to work larger in the next session. I plan to work more with darks and lights to create greater form


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